Please contact Organics2Botanics before returning any items. You can return the product within 30 days of delivery. The product must be in new/unused condition.
If the product is damaged or used the product is not applicable for a refund. Make sure to include contact information with the return and provide us with a tracking number if possible. Organics2Botanics will make a refund of eligible returns. If paid by invoice, we will need a bank account number to transfer the money back to. The easiest way is to e-mail it to us along with a brief description of your case.
If a returned item is shipped internationally, please clearly mark the package 'RETURNED GOODS', to avoid any Customs charges. Organics2Botanics is NOT responsible for any return Customs charges made. Any charges incurred are the responsibility of the customer.
If the product is lost or has been damaged during the transport, please let us know right away.
For packages that are not picked up from the post office (or carrier’s location) within 14 days, Organics2Botanics reserves the right to charge a handling fee to cover the return shipping and freight companies' administrative costs.